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WLR Ag Center Worldmap

The Agricultural Center, commonly referred to as the Ag Center, is a location in Wasteland and Wasteland 2.


A former satellite facility in Arizona, the center survived the devastation of the Great War. Its crew abandoned the installation shortly after the nuclear war and joined the farmers to form the agricultural station. All alarms and electronic countermeasures were deactivated in the process.[1] In the time since the Center had become dedicated to developing crop yield improvements, the Center had suffered an infestation of animals, led by Harry the Bunny Master in 2087, and a mutagenic plague in 2102. Despite this, the Ag Center is responsible for much of the food supply lines, as well as Ranger Citadel food shipments, throughout Arizona.[2]


The Agricultural Center is a farming community. The Agricultural Center itself secured with a high wall made of adobe with several black scorch marks, with barbed wire lining the top. In front of the two vegetable fields stands a sales booth made of aluminum. In 2087, it is under siege by mutated animals, led by Harry, the Bunny Master.

Wasteland 2[]

Agricultural center continued to supply food to the region. In 2102, fifteen years after the original Ranger party defeated the rodent infestation under Harry's lead, the vegetation experienced a sudden, unexplained explosion of growth, as did various pests in the center (citric mutant larvae and insects). Worse, the farmers, workers, and scientists also started acting strangely. By the time the Rangers from the Ranger Citadel responded to the radio distress call, the psychosis has set in.

The player must fight their way through the jungle of giant creatures and plants to prevent the agricultural infection from spreading (which they'll need to do to get the satellite dish working again (for the game-critical path) and rescue any survivors (optional).

Once the player is on the second stage of their quest in Arizona (track down the radio signals from LA), they must reclaim/reactivate the satellite dish in the center of the facility to help track down the signal in the Wasteland (the dish can only be accessed once the center is explored and [the mutant] contamination stopped.


In the Martian storyline, the abandonment of the Agricultural Center is attributed to defending the world from the Martian invasion.[3]


  1. Paragraph 6: "The diary talks about the last days during which the satellite facility was operating. "Las Vegas is still intact. Needles wasn't damaged by bombs, but some flooding occurred when the river level rose. Quartz suffered a lot of damage." In hurried script, the last diary entry reads, "We're abandoning the satellite installation so we can join the farmers out at the Ag Station. We've deactivated the alarms and electronic countermeasures that protect this place.""
  2. Wasteland 2 Director's Cut Manual p.58: "Agricultural Center was a satellite tracking facility before the war. After the bombs fell, the surviving technicians joined up with nearby farmers to found a forward-thinking agricultural community. It has been their mission ever since to find new ways to increase crop yields, sometimes with dangerous results - such as the invasion of giant rabbits and other critters the Rangers had to solve years ago. The Ag Center is not the sole source of food in the Wasteland, but its supply lines do cover the entire area, and they provide Ranger Citadel with a weekly shipment."
  3. Paragraph 93: "The diary talks about the last days during which the satellite facility was operating. "Las Vegas is still intact. Needles wasn't damaged by bombs, but some flooding occurred when the river level rose. Quartz suffered some damaged." In hurried script, the last diary entry reads, 'We're abandoning the satellite installation so we can join the farmers out at the Ag Station and defend the world against the newest threat ... the invasion from Mars!""