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Build a Better Reagan is a quest in Wasteland 3.


Valor asked us to upgrade some of the critical systems that run the Reagan statue while he continues to work on the mind transfer tech.


  • This quest requires you to access three terminals and either upgrade or sabotage the statue.
  • The first terminal is in the eastern part of the main hall of the White House. When accessed, the nearby guard will note that access is restricted by orders of the Nancys. You can use Kiss Ass 6 (4 if reputation with Gippers is at least Liked) to point out that if you don't fix it, it will fail and Ronnie doesn't like failure or Hard Ass 5 to pull a Bavarian fire drill on him. Defragmenting will upgrade the terminal, hard reboot will sabotage it.
  • The second is in the western, opposite part. You can use Weird Science 6 to set it up to self-optimize or Nerd Stuff 5 to give direct access to thermometers. Both result in upgrades. Otherwise, you can decide to sabotage by using Nerd Stuff 4 to set up an infinite loop or Mechanics 5 to pull out a failsafe fuse.
  • The final terminal is at the frozen shack near the oil field. You can defrost it by using a flame weapon or the generator, then use it to add full power to the system to upgrade the terminal. Note that if you upgraded everything, you have to rebalance the system. This can be achieved with Nerd Stuff 8 to achieve total optimization without having to sacrifice anything, undo the upgrade but break the terminal, turn off the perimeter turrets or White House heating, or... Well, do nothing and watch how it breaks.


  • 200 Colorado dollars and spare laser turrets
  • If you chose to turn the heating off, a debuff on all Gippers.

Raw strings[]

Build a Better Reagan
Upgrade the key sub-systems running the Gippers' defenses in the Denver Ruins.
Deal with the power overload.
Upgrade complete: All systems are go!
Upgrade complete, aside from the heat
Collect your reward in the Sacred Server Room.
Upgrade key Gipper computer systems to super-charge the Reagan statue.\n\n\n[Reward: [Dropset: DRP_b1001_Valor_UpgradesComplete_Reward]]
Valor asked us to upgrade some of the critical systems that run the Reagan statue while he continues to work on the mind transfer tech.\n\n\n[Global: b1001_StatueUpgrades_Current] of [Global: b1001_StatueUpgrades_Target] systems upgraded.
We've upgraded all the systems in the Western Whitehouse, but now the power grid is overloaded. We'll have to find a way to balance it out.
A mission-critical terminal was disabled.
Our upgrades were initially too much for the Gippers' power grid, but we were able to balance things out and collect our reward. The Reagan statue is ready to handle anything the Gippers' enemies throw at it.
Our upgrades were initially too much for the Gippers' power grid, but we were able to balance things out by turning off the heat in the 'Western White House.' The Reagan statue is ready to handle anything the Gippers' enemies throw at it.
Our upgrades were initially too much for the Gippers' power grid, but we were able to balance things out by turning off the perimeter defenses. The Reagan statue is ready to handle anything the Gippers' enemies throw at it.
Our upgrades were too much for the Gippers' power grid. To keep it from melting down, we had to sacrifice one of the subsystems.
The upgrades are complete. Time for the Gippers to pay up.
Considering all the dead Gippers, it's unlikely we'll get paid for fixing their infrastructure.
There's no point in super-charging a statue which has already been destroyed.
The eastern terminal is fully defragmented, freeing up millions of bytes for the Reagan statue's storage needs.
We optimized a system regulating the internal temperatures of Reagan's statue and other important Gipper electronics.
We thawed out an off-site terminal and restored it to full power."