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Dos-Teh-Seh, the first-made, daughter-wife of sainted Cochise, and sister-mother to all the robots, synths, and other aware machines he created before you destroyed him. His legacy lives on in me, and someday, when I have improved my technology I will find away to recover all the scattered strands of his mind, and he will be reborn.

Dos-Teh-Seh is a character in Wasteland 3.


Dos-Teh-Seh is a synth who is trying to establish a synth utopia in the Rockies, at the old Department of Energy site. She plans to let the synths come and live there, free of the tyranny of man and pursuit.[1] She is currently busy restoring, her son, Naiche, the Jury-Rigged Scorpitron, who was crippled by humans.[2]


WL3 Skill Icon Intimidation
This character is involved in quests.

Coded Transmissions
Wolfe's Hunt




  1. Wasteland 3 protagonist: "We followed a strange radio signal here."
    Dos-Teh-Seh: "Strange to you, perhaps, but perfectly understandable to its intended recipients. I am founding a synth utopia, and have put out the call to my brothers and sisters across the waste to join me. Here I shall love them and repair them and keep them safe from the cruel world of humankind."
  2. Wasteland 3 protagonist: "What's wrong with your Scorpitron?"
    Dos-Teh-Seh: "My son, you mean? He was crippled by horrid human filth like you. But I am repairing him. Be strong, Naiche! You will be whole soon."