Wasteland Wiki

Faded floppy disk is a junk item in Wasteland 2.

Description[ | ]

4d657273656e6e65 5072696d65 536561726368 416c676f726974686d 2d 5761726e696e673a 73696d706c65 636f6d707574657273 77696c6c 6265 72656e6465726564 696e6f70657261626c652e 446f 6e6f74 757365 6f6e 6d616e6167656d656e74 7465726d696e616c732e (hexadecimal for: MersennePrimeSearchAlgorithm-Warning:simplecomputerswillberenderedinoperable.Donotuseonmanagementterminals.)

Can be used to open the hangar door.

Locations[ | ]

  • Located on the computer terminal in the northern corner of the lower floor of the Ranger Citadel.