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Farmer's diary is a lore book in Wasteland 3.


This leather bound diary is warped and faded. The pages have been smudged with mud.



August 17th
Down. Plant their feet deep. Deep into the earth, they said. They spoke in the voice of God and God was good to these Babies of the Broccoli. He gave onto them sweet faces and soft hair, teeth on the outside, teeth inside the swollen sweetness of their bellies, like the eyelashes of oysters. Bury them feet first, face to the winter sun. And lo, the Babies of the Broccoli will bloom.
August 25th
Tried more water, but that didn't do nothing. Just froze the dolls. Will try again tomorrow.
October 13th
The worms hold church in their toes now. We're seeing progress.
November 5th
Wash them twice, robe them in nylon, wrap them in silk.
January 19th
Water them with your blood, spake the Babies of the Broccoli. Water them with your fat. It is a test, I'm certain. But the nights have limbered into years, and I do not recall the last time I slept. I tire. I waste from the effort. I have nothing left. But they promised an end of this winter, if I could bring them to fruit. Just a little more. I'm sure it will only be a little more.
February 15th
Got leaves now. Got to keep going. This'd fix everything.,

