Home compound is the player's main base in Fountain of Dreams.
The very first and smallest location in Fountain of Dreams. It has several potential recruits: Ignatz Krebs and Junior, as well as the most efficient doctor in the game, Doc DeMedici.
This village was probably built after the end of the Great War.
After the war, this place is considered the safest in Florida. However, the Clowns soon kill the parents of one of the main characters (which one is not known), which leads the village to decide to attack the Clowns, but before that send three travelers in search of the necessary funds and equipment.
But soon the Clowns find out about this and attack the village and successfully destroy it while the main characters were away. Now we decide to find the Fountain of Dreams in order to save the island from mutations (due to the fact that the only doctor who knew how to treat mutations was killed by Kiwi) and take revenge on the Clowns.
- Doc Demedici - The most effective doctor in the game. He can cure all mutations and heal you for free. But if you offen use him help, he can be killed by Kiwi Eli and her helpers.
- Ignatz Krebs - Your daddy's buddy. He give you tips at begining, and can be your companion when you back to Home Compound.
- Junior - Your brother. He want explore Florida with you and your team.