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Infused Uranium Crossbow is a craftable assault rifle in Wasteland 3: Cult of the Holy Detonation.


Blessed by holy radiation, each projectile from this crossbow hits with the power of a fission reaction.


This weapon, like with all other crossbow type "Assault Rifles" such as its lesser Icon DLC2 Weapon UraniumCrossbow Uranium Crossbow cousin and the T W MeatMaker Meat Maker is quite notorious for its synergy with Draw!, allowing the Infused Uranium Crossbow to spam out attacks at 2 AP while simultaneously dealing damage that competes with many snipers in the game. Adding the Icon Mod AdvancedMaterialsMag Advanced Materials Mag on this weapon would take this synergy to a new extreme, halving the AP cost to reload (and fire) to a mere 1 AP, allowing the player to fire as many shots as they have AP in conjunction with the Draw! perk. However, if not using the Draw! perk, every shot requiring a reload would make the total AP cost to make multiple attacks more expensive, making this magazine useless on this weapon compared to a larger mag extender without Draw!. This low base AP requirement (as well as its potential for 1 AP attacks with Draw! and the Advanced Materials mag) makes the weapon able to conquer most combat encounters singlehandedly due to the sheer volume of fire and its high damage (to the point of quite frankly being overkill for most enemies). It goes without saying however that opting to simply extend the magazine with a magazine mod or playing to what would otherwise be a weakness using the Draw! perk are both valid options for modifying this powerful weapon, especially given that the former option doesn't require a 13 point skill investment into an otherwise unrelated weapon class (Small Arms) for Draw!

Damage can be increased by using damage type conversion mods, making this weapon to benefit from various bonuses, as well as +99 Armor penetration, which negates target's armor completely.

Physical damage maximization example
Applying all bonuses (+16 Damage +93% Ranged damage) leads to the following result:
  • 382 - 461 damage in weapon stats.
    The damage dealt to targets will depend on the armor they are wearing and the armor penetration rate on your character.
Fire damage maximization example

Applying all bonuses (+8 Damage +50% Ranged damage +125% Fire damage) leads to the following result:

  • 641 - 779 damage in weapon stats.

In fact damage will vary depending on a target:

  • 833 - 1012 damage against organic targets (+30% Damage).
  • 448 - 545 damage against mechanic targets (-30% Damage).
Cold damage maximization example

Applying all bonuses (+8 Damage +83% Ranged damage +60% Cold damage) leads to the following result:

  • 556 - 676 damage in weapon stats.

In fact damage will vary depending on a target:

  • 722 - 878 damage against organic targets (+30% Damage).
  • 389 - 473 damage against mechanic targets (-30% Damage).
Energy damage maximization example

Applying all bonuses (+8 Damage +83% Ranged damage +65% Energy damage) leads to the following result:

  • 573 - 697 damage in weapon stats.

In fact damage will vary depending on a target:

  • 744 - 906 damage against mechanic targets (+30% Damage).
  • 401 - 487 damage against organic targets (-30% Damage).
Explosive damage maximization example
Applying all bonuses (+8 Damage +50% Ranged damage +95% Explosive damage) leads to the following result:
  • 555 - 675 damage against all types of targets.

Field stripping results[]


Ingredients to produce one (1) unit
Components Requirements

9 Weapon Modding


Cheyenne Observation Level: Recipe located inside level 9 toaster near Angel Iridium in Cooling vats.

See also[]
