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Animatronic exhibits portraying our great history! True relics of our struggle to survive displayed for all to see! Authentic, handmade replicas of lost treasures!

Junko Murayama is a character in Wasteland 3.


This woman is scowling and kicking snow as she glares at the boarded up museum. She jumps when you approach.

Junko Murayama is a sculptor, roboticist, amateur historian, and former curator of the Colorado Springs Museum of History. Former, as in, sacked without a word of explanation. Officially, it's due to the Dorseys raid on Colorado Springs that the museum shut down, but Junko knows better. The shutdown came after she sent a list of questions to Diligent Joe concerning discrepancies in the Dorsey banishment and the routing of the Plains gangs.

She is taking the dismissal rather badly, due to the fact that she has poured her life into bringing the museum "into the 22nd century" with animatronics and basic cleanliness. Now, she has been thrown to the wayside.


WL3 Skill Icon Scavenging
This character has other interactions.

Junko can be hired to act as museum curator at the Peterson Air Force Base. Though this is inadvisable as she prevents you from being able to recruit Quarex, who provides a unique perk for your trouble. Though can be hired later after hiring quarex to get the perk.
