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For more information about the Makarov pistol, see Marakov pistol on Wikipedia.

Cheap Russian knock-off of a Chinese knock-off. It'll still knock someone off.

Marakov is a tier 2 handgun in Wasteland 2.


Cheap Russian knock-off of a Chinese knock-off. It'll still knock someone off


An unimpressive gun as far as its stats go, the Marakov is used either if all of your pistoleros haven't got their own Midnight Special yet or if you're lucky enough to stumble upon it early on, when it's a welcome replacement for the lousy tier-1 handguns. When .38 revolvers start appearing on the scene, the Marakov can be sold or dismantled without hesitation.

The weapon alerts enemies (generates noise) in a 15 unit radius.


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  • The Makarov pistol or PM (Russian: Пистолет Макарова, Pistolet Makarova, literally Makarov's Pistol) is a Russian semi-automatic pistol. Under the project leadership of Nikolay Fyodorovich Makarov, it became the Soviet Union's standard military and police side arm from 1951 to 1991.

