Wasteland Wiki

Martin Hogan is a merchant available at Temple of Titan.

Background[ | ]

Hogan administrates the Diamondbacks' stockpiles of weapons, armor, and ammunition, ensuring that they never run low.

Interactions[ | ]

WL2 Quirk 07
This character has no special interactions.
WL2 Skill Icon Barter
This character is a merchant. Sells: * If Diamondback Militia seizes control over the Temple of Titan, Hogan will become the designated weapons and armor merchant, offering items from the armory at fair prices.

Inventory[ | ]

Item Quantity
Tactical Vest 2
Combat Armor 1
Combat Knife T icon W CombatKnife 1
Crowbar T icon W Crowbar 1
HK33 T Icon W G41 1
.38 Revolver T icon W S&W38 1
M-37 Pump Action T icon W PumpShotgun 1
Pipe Bomb WL2 Pipebomb 2
LAW Rocket WL2 LAW 1
.30-06 ammo WL2 ammo 30-06 65
.38 ammo WL2 ammo 38 75
.45 ammo WL2 ammo 45 75
12 gauge ammo WL2 ammo 12 gauge 75
5.56mm ammo WL2 ammo 556mm 75
7.62mm ammo WL2 ammo 762mm 50
9mm ammo WL2 ammo 9mm 75
Energy cells WL2 ammo EnergyCell 75
Medic Pack 10
Advanced Trauma Kit 8
High Powered Scope 1
Light Weights 1
Long Barrel 1
Shovel 1