Wasteland Wiki

There was one image, very blurry, that showed some kind of small greenish creature in a cell, but the photo was taken before the war. It could hardly still be alive today, could it?
~ Theodoric Curie

Night Terror is a character in Wasteland 3: Cult of the Holy Detonation.

Icon disambig
For the Night Terror in other Wasteland games, see Night Terror.


Night Terror is a prisoner in the Security Level of the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in the Maximum Security Prison and can be freed by passing a Nerd Stuff 10 skill check. Get some candies though, they loves them.

There is also a way to bypass Nerd Stuff skill check by using 2 rangers.


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WL3 Skill Icon Scavenging
This character has other interactions.

Feeding Night Terror results in obtaining Putrid Odor or Slimy Goop status effect.


