PDW-01 is a submachine gun in Wasteland 3.
This military prototype uses explosive rounds. It turns targets into blackened, shredded meat.
Being less powerful than Ripper, this submachine gun is more ammo efficient.
Despite preinstalled Explosive damage, it is possible to convert this weapon to other damage types (Fire, Cold or Energy) by using the appropriate damage type conversion mods. This won't add a second damage type but replace the originally installed Explosive damage.
Shortened Barrel alongside with Toxic Linkage or Crippling Linkage or Razor Linkage mods can heavily increase this weapon's damage, giving the weapon 66 - 79 x6 (396 - 474) damage per attack, at the cost of -10% Hit chance.
Damage can be farther increased from various bonuses. Also Explosive damage provide +99 Armor penetration, which negates target's armor completely.
Applying all bonuses (+20 Damage +50% Ranged damage +125% Fire damage) leads to the following result:
In fact damage will vary depending on a target: |
Applying all bonuses (+20 Damage +83% Ranged damage +60% Cold damage) leads to the following result:
In fact damage will vary depending on a target: |
Applying all bonuses (+20 Damage +83% Ranged damage +65% Energy damage) leads to the following result:
In fact damage will vary depending on a target: |
Field stripping results[]
- 48-76 Scrap
- With Expert Disassembler:
- +30% Scrap
- Chance to get one mod:
- Massacre site: Inside the small cave. High perception is needed to spot the dig site (use brain candy if needed).
- Rare drop from selected tier 21-23 locked chests & weapon crates (such as the Lockpick 9 weapon crate in Godfisher Windfarm)