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Polar Vortex is an assault rifle in Wasteland 3.


The bullets from this cryotech marvel will deliver impact damage then freeze any organs they hit.


Despite preinstalled Cold damage, it is possible to convert this weapon to other damage types (Fire, Energy or Explosive) by using the appropriate damage type conversion mods. This won't add a second damage type but replace the originally installed Cold damage.

Damage can be increased from various bonuses. Also Cold damage provide +99 Armor penetration, which negates target's armor completely.

Cold damage maximization example

Applying all bonuses (+16 Damage +93% Ranged damage +60% Cold damage) leads to the following result:

  • 160 - 182 x3 (480 - 546) damage in weapon stats.

In fact damage will vary depending on a target:

  • 208 - 236 x3 (624 - 708) damage against organic targets (+30% Damage).
  • 112 - 127 x3 (336 - 381) damage against mechanic targets (-30% Damage).
Fire damage maximization example

Applying all bonuses (+8 Damage +50% Ranged damage +125% Fire damage) leads to the following result:

  • 148 - 172 x3 (444 - 516) damage in weapon stats.

In fact damage will vary depending on a target:

  • 192 - 223 x3 (576 - 669) damage against organic targets (+30% Damage).
  • 103 - 120 x3 (309 - 360) damage against mechanic targets (-30% Damage).
Energy damage maximization example

Applying all bonuses (+8 Damage +83% Ranged damage +65% Energy damage) leads to the following result:

  • 132 - 153 x3 (396 - 459) damage in weapon stats.

In fact damage will vary depending on a target:

  • 171 - 198 x3 (513 - 594) damage against mechanic targets (+30% Damage).
  • 92 - 107 x3 (276 - 321) damage against organic targets (-30% Damage).
Explosive damage maximization example
Applying all bonuses (+8 Damage +50% Ranged damage +95% Explosive damage) leads to the following result:
  • 128 - 149 x3 (384 - 447) damage against all types of targets.

Field stripping results[]


