Polar Vortex
36 - 43 x3 (108 - 129 )
Dam. type
Cold . Scales with
Weird Science , maximum penetration, effective against
organic targets (+30% damage), ineffective against
non-organic targets (-30% damage), often has a chance to apply
Frozen .
Attack pattern
Single target
10% to apply Frozen Anti-organic +30% damage to organic targets-30% damage to mechanic targets
Polar Vortex is an assault rifle in Wasteland 3 .
Description [ ]
The bullets from this cryotech marvel will deliver impact damage then freeze any organs they hit.
Characteristics [ ]
Despite preinstalled Cold damage, it is possible to convert this weapon to other damage types (Fire , Energy or Explosive ) by using the appropriate damage type conversion mods . This won't add a second damage type but replace the originally installed Cold damage.Damage can be increased from various bonuses. Also Cold damage provide +99 Armor penetration, which negates target's armor completely.
Cold damage maximization example
Applying all bonuses (+16 Damage +93% Ranged damage +60% Cold damage ) leads to the following result:
160 - 182 x3 (480 - 546 ) damage in weapon stats.
In fact damage will vary depending on a target:
208 - 236 x3 (624 - 708 ) damage against organic targets (+30% Damage ).
112 - 127 x3 (336 - 381 ) damage against mechanic targets (-30% Damage ).
Fire damage maximization example
Applying all bonuses (+8 Damage +50% Ranged damage +125% Fire damage ) leads to the following result:
148 - 172 x3 (444 - 516 ) damage in weapon stats.
In fact damage will vary depending on a target:
192 - 223 x3 (576 - 669 ) damage against organic targets (+30% Damage ).
103 - 120 x3 (309 - 360 ) damage against mechanic targets (-30% Damage ).
Energy damage maximization example
Applying all bonuses (+8 Damage +83% Ranged damage +65% Energy damage ) leads to the following result:
132 - 153 x3 (396 - 459 ) damage in weapon stats.
In fact damage will vary depending on a target:
171 - 198 x3 (513 - 594 ) damage against mechanic targets (+30% Damage ).
92 - 107 x3 (276 - 321 ) damage against organic targets (-30% Damage ).
Explosive damage maximization example
Applying all bonuses (
+8 Damage +50% Ranged damage +95% Explosive damage ) leads to the following result:
128 - 149 x3 (384 - 447 ) damage against all types of targets.
Field stripping results [ ]
Locations [ ]
Gallery [ ]