Wasteland Wiki

Rick Baychowski is a temporary NPC in Wasteland 2, affiliated with the Desert Rangers.[1]

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Rick Baychowski is a drunk and seems to have some connections with the RSM (Red Scorpion Militia), as you walk by other Rangers they will cast comments about you having Rick with you. Rick Baychowski can be found in the Ranger Citadel (He is located at number 7) of the interior map and is only accessible after reaching this part of the main storyline. He is involved in the main storyline quest after "The Prison" and after to have spoken to Red about the Rad suits. He keeps Radiation Suits at his personal RV (Recreational Vehicle)

You first have to speak to the Jailor before speaking to Rick. After you have spoken to the Jailor, Rick will wake up and you can speak to him. When you have Rick in your party he will not count as a follower, he will just tag along until you reach the RV.

Interactions[ | ]

WL2 Skill Icon Hardass
This character is involved in quests.

Find a way to reach Damonta and set up a second radio repeater

Details[ | ]

  • Find a way to reach Damonta and set up a second radio repeater: Rick will come with you to the RV, he will then ask you again if you will let him go. You can chose to let him go or to keep him around, when you reach the bridge of the map you will get a radio call from General Vargas asking you to bring him back for further questioning.
  • He only has 20 hp and is unarmed but will NOT fight when you go into combat, however enemies will still attack him and may kill him.

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