Scorpitron is an enemy in Wasteland 3.
The Scorpitron is an incredibly rare encounter that's also incredibly tough: Arguably even more so than in the previous game, as the Scorpitron is no longer stationary, but moves, attacks multiple times, and its weapons are even deadlier. On the other hand, you no longer have to put up with the mini-scorpitrons, so small blessings. It's considered a top level enemy and you even receive a special achievement and an ornament for defeating it.
This time, the Scorpitron comes with:
- Flamethrower on the front, which is very bad news for most close combat attackers and instant death for deployables like Sawpups.
- Tail gun, which can attack twice per round and can instantly down Rangers due to the sheer volume of fire.
- Leg stomp, which disorients and debuffs adjacent enemies.
It is often accompanied by a coterie of other high level enemies, so you have your work cut out for you.
Note that Precision Strikes are incredibly useful: Damage the CPU of some of these robotic allies and they'll turn on its master. Deployables are also helpful, as they gives the Scorpitron more targets to attack.
It can be hacked with Nerd Stuff Level 10 by using the "HACK ROBOT" ability. The Scorpitron must be within the Action red outline of your character. It costs 2 AP to hack the Scorpitron (even if it says '7 AP'). The character performing the hack will run to the Scorpitron (here, no actions are consumed to move) and interact with it. This turns the Scorpitron friendly; the monster will attack other enemies until the hack wears off. If all enemies are defeated while the hack is still active, it will self-destruct, explode and die at the end of its turn.
Once defeated, Scorpitron will drop a Tactical Nuke , and a random weapon of tiers 17 or 21. More weapons of the same tiers can be found in containers around the area, however, the lootable containers on site after the battle will depend on how sneaky you were beforehand - you will get 3 attempts to salvage loot before the fight, with escalating Sneaky Shit checks, before you have to fight, and each attempt takes higher sneaky shit. The actual checks seem variable, but highest seems to be about 8. The fewer checks you pass, the more loot chests will be broken/unlootable after the fight.
- One Scorpitron is stomping around to the southwest, near the Steeltown (or rather, where it's supposed to be).
- One may also be found stomping around near the Tellurium Mine.
See also[]
- Golden Scorpitron - the most rare Scorpitron encounter.
- Jury-Rigged Scorpitron - broken Scorpitron found at the Department of Energy Site.